


I find that we often define ourselves by our profession, what we do, and our responsibilities. While these are important aspects, they do not define us; they are just parts of our life.. So, it's common to say, "I am a mother, I am someone's daughter, I am someone's wife," etc. You get my drift. So, who am I?

I am a lover of God. I am faithful. I am hopeful. I am self aware.I am creative. I am outspoken. I love hard. I am compassionate. I am understanding.I am respectful of others and their journey. I am a survivor. I am a fighter. I am a problem solver, a hustler—I go and get it.

This is who I truly am. At times, it is scary to say this out loud because I don't want to come off as cocky or to think too highly of myself. But I bet if I spoke negatively about myself, I wouldn't even question it. It is that mindset that has brought me here today. I am proud of who I am and the different parts of me, even the ugly ones.